Louisiana Deer Hunting Season Dates and Bag Limits

​If you’re itching to embark on a thrilling hunting adventure in the beautiful bayou state, you’re in the right place. Louisiana offers a unique and diverse landscape, making it an ideal destination for deer hunting enthusiasts. 

In this blog post, we’ll walk you through everything you need to know about the Louisiana deer hunting season, from the dates you should mark on your calendar to the bag limits you should keep in mind. 

Whether you’re a seasoned hunter or a newcomer to the sport, we’ve got you covered with straightforward information that’s easy to understand. 

So, grab your gear, sharpen those skills, and join us as we navigate the ins and outs of Louisiana’s deer hunting regulations. 

Let’s make sure you’re well-prepared to make the most of this exciting season while respecting the rules and preserving the natural beauty of Louisiana’s wilderness. Happy hunting!

Louisiana Hunting Season Dates and Bag Limits

​It’s that time of year again! The leaves are falling, the air is crisp, and the deer are on the move. That can only mean one thing: it’s time to start thinking about hunting season!

If you’re a hunter in Louisiana, you need to know when hunting season starts and what the bag limits are. Here’s everything you need to know about Louisiana hunting season dates and bag limits.

Hunting season in Louisiana typically starts in on the third Saturday in September or the first Saturday in October and It lasts until January. However, the exact dates vary depending on the type of game you’re hunting. 

As for bag limits, Louisiana has a pretty liberal limit of two deer per hunter per day. So, if you’re planning on heading out for a weekend of hunting, you could potentially bag four deer! Just make sure you check the regulations for the specific area you’re hunting in, as there may be additional restrictions in place.

So, now that you know all the important details, it’s time to start planning your hunting trip! Get your gear ready and your licenses in order, and get out there to enjoy the Louisiana outdoors!

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Choosing the Right Weapon

​When it comes to choosing the right weapon for deer hunting, there are a few things you need to take into consideration. First, what is the deer’s diet? If they primarily eat leaves, then you’ll want to use a rifle. If they eat nuts and berries, then you can use either a shotgun or a rifle. 

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Second, what is the deer’s coat color? If they have a reddish coat, then you’ll want to use a shotgun. If they have a brown coat, then you can use either a shotgun or a rifle. 

Finally, what is the deer’s habitat? If they live in an open area, then you’ll want to use a rifle. If they live in a forested area, then you can use either a shotgun or a rifle.

Now that you know a little bit more about the deer you’re hunting, it’s time to choose your weapon. If you’re using a rifle, be sure to choose one that is appropriate for the game you’re hunting. 

For example, if you’re hunting deer, you’ll want to use a rifle that is chambered in .223 or higher. If you’re using a shotgun, be sure to choose one that is appropriate for the game you’re hunting. For example, if you’re hunting deer, you’ll want to use a shotgun that is chambered in 12 gauge or higher.

Once you have chosen your weapon, it’s time to head to the range and practice. You should become proficient with your weapon before heading out into the field. Remember, practice makes perfect!

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Tips for a Successful Hunting Trip

​Hunting is a great way to get outside and enjoy nature, but it’s important to be safe and prepared. Here are a few tips to help you have a successful hunting trip:

1. Choose the right equipment. Make sure you have the proper clothing and gear for the type of hunting you’ll be doing. If you’re not sure, ask a friend or professional for advice.

2. Get in shape. Hunting can be physically demanding, so it’s important to be in good shape. Taking a hike or going for a run a few times a week will help you be prepared for a long day in the woods.

3. Know your prey. Study up on the animal you’re hunting. Know their habits and how to track them. The more you know, the better your chances of success.

4. Be patient. Patience is key when hunting. You may have to wait for hours before getting a shot, so be prepared to be patient.

5. Stay safe. Hunting can be dangerous, so always follow safety rules. Don’t drink alcohol, wear bright colors so you’re visible to other hunters, and never shoot at a sound or movement you can’t identify.

By following these tips, you’ll be sure to have a successful and safe hunting trip.

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Essential Gear for Deer Hunting

No matter what time of year it is, deer hunting always requires proper preparation. In this blog post, we’ll go over some of the essential gear you’ll need for a successful deer hunting trip in Louisiana.

One of the most important pieces of gear for deer hunting is a good pair of binoculars. Binoculars are essential for spotting deer in the distance and determining whether or not they are Worth pursuing.

Another important piece of gear is a comfortable pair of boots. You’ll be doing a lot of walking while deer hunting, so it’s important to have a good pair of boots that won’t give you blisters or cause other discomfort.

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Of course, you’ll also need a hunting rifle and ammunition. Make sure your rifle is properly sighted in before heading out on your hunt.

In addition to your rifle, you may also want to bring along a shotgun for close range shots. A shotgun can be particularly useful if you’re hunting in thick brush.

Finally, don’t forget to bring along plenty of food and water. Hunting can be strenuous, so you’ll need to make sure you’re properly fueled.

If you’re properly prepared, deer hunting can be an extremely enjoyable and rewarding experience. Be sure to check out all the necessary gear before heading out on your next deer hunting trip in Louisiana.

Louisiana Deer Hunting Season Dates and Bag Limits

Understanding the Louisiana Hunting Laws

In order to hunt deer in Louisiana, you must have a valid hunting license. You can obtain a hunting license from the Louisiana Department of Wildlife and Fisheries. The cost of a hunting license varies depending on your residency and whether or not you are a member of the Louisiana Wildlife Federation.

To be eligible for a hunting license, you must be at least 16 years old and have completed a hunter education course. You can take the hunter education course online or in person. Once you have completed the course, you will need to pass a written and practical exam.

If you are a non-resident of Louisiana, you must also have a valid non-resident hunting license. You can obtain a non-resident hunting license from the Louisiana Department of Wildlife and Fisheries. The cost of a non-resident hunting license is $100.

In addition to a hunting license, you will also need a deer hunting permit. You can obtain a deer hunting permit from the Louisiana Department of Wildlife and Fisheries. The cost of a deer hunting permit is $5 for residents and $25 for non-residents.

When hunting deer in Louisiana, there are some restrictions that you need to be aware of. For example, you can only hunt with firearms during the firearms season. The firearms season for deer usually runs from the end of October until the beginning of January.

You can only hunt with muzzle-loading firearms during the muzzle-loading season. The muzzle-loading season for deer usually runs from the middle of November until the middle of December.

You can only hunt with archery equipment during the archery season. The archery season for deer usually runs from the beginning of September until the end of February.

There are also some areas where deer hunting is not allowed. These areas are called deer management units or deer refuge areas. You can find a list of deer management units and deer refuge areas on the Louisiana Department of Wildlife and Fisheries website.

If you plan on hunting deer in Louisiana, it is important that you understand the hunting laws. These laws are designed to help ensure the safety of both hunters and non-hunters alike. By following these laws, you can help make sure that everyone has a safe and enjoyable hunting experience.

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​In conclusion, the deer hunting season in Louisiana typically starts in early October and runs through the end of January. The bag limit is two deer per hunter, with only one being a buck. For more information on deer hunting in Louisiana, visit the Louisiana Department of Wildlife and Fisheries website.

I hope this article helped clear up some confusion on when deer hunting season starts in Louisiana.

Some specific areas may have different start and end dates, so be sure to check the regulations for the area you plan on hunting in. The LDWF website is a great resource for information on deer hunting in Louisiana. Happy hunting!


When does the Louisiana deer hunting season typically start and end?

Louisiana’s deer hunting season usually kicks off in early fall, around September, and extends through late winter, concluding in January. However, specific dates may vary each year, so it’s crucial to check the official Louisiana Department of Wildlife and Fisheries (LDWF) website for the most up-to-date information.

Are there different deer hunting zones in Louisiana?

Yes, Louisiana is divided into different hunting zones, each with its own set of regulations. The state is currently divided into zones based on geographical regions. Make sure to know the specific regulations for the zone in which you plan to hunt to stay compliant with local guidelines.

What are the bag limits for deer hunting in Louisiana?

Bag limits depend on the zone and the type of deer (antlered or antlerless). It’s essential to check the LDWF regulations for your specific hunting area, as bag limits can change annually. Typically, hunters are allowed a certain number of antlered and antlerless deer per season.

Can hunters harvest both antlered and antlerless deer during the season?

Yes, in many zones, hunters have the opportunity to harvest both antlered and antlerless deer, but the regulations can vary. Some zones may have specific quotas for each, so it’s crucial to familiarize yourself with the rules in your hunting area.

Are there any restrictions on the type of weapons allowed for deer hunting in Louisiana?

Louisiana allows a variety of weapons for deer hunting, including rifles, shotguns, muzzleloaders, and bows. However, certain zones may have restrictions on specific types of weapons, so it’s vital to check the regulations for your hunting area.

Do I need a special license for deer hunting in Louisiana?

Yes, a hunting license is required for all hunters in Louisiana. Additionally, if you plan to hunt deer, you’ll need deer tags, which may have specific regulations depending on the type of deer and your hunting zone.


Meet Ryan Miller, the passionate and knowledgeable head content writer at huntingever.com. With a deep love for the great outdoors and a keen eye for detail, Ryan shares his wealth of experience and expertise in the realm of hunting through insightful tips and comprehensive guides.

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